
Popular Indian Boy Baby Names starting with 'S'

Modern Indian Boy Baby Names dictionary starting with letter 'S' and their meanings in a simple and easy to navigate format. The list comprises of Unique boy baby names for alphabet 'S' that are popular across the world.
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Modern Indian Boy names with meanings - Alphabet 'S'

Sadik Truthful
Sadru Lord Shiva; Lord Vishnu
Sadal Luck will Come to You
Saakaar Manifestation of god
Sagav White
Sajal Moist; Hydrous; Clean Mind
Sajan Beloved; Friend
Saanjh Evening
Saanu Young
Saaras Swan
Saatatya Never ending
Saatvik Pious
Saathvik Virtuous
Sabal With strength
Sabala Strong
Sabalaksa With vareigated eyes
Sabalasva With dappled horse
Sabalodara Having a spotted belly
Sabar Milk
Sabasta Born with armour
Sabdabhedin Another name for Arjuna
Sabdarasimahesvara Another name for shiva
Sabdavedhin Another name for Arjuna
Sabhajit Honoured, praised
Sabrang Rainbow
Sabarinathan Lord Ayyapa
Sabhajit Honoured, praised
Sabhanara man of the counsil
Sabhapati master of the assembly
Sabhya Refined
Sacana Ready to befriend
Sacaru Very beautiful
Saccit Pure existence and thought
Sachet Consciousness
Sachiv Friend
Sacchidananda Total bliss
Sachetan Animated
Sachin Lord Indra
Sachit Consciousness
Sachish Lord Indra
Saci Another name of agni
Sacin Lord Siva
Sacita Wise
Sada Always, ever
Sadabhu Companion, friend
Sadabindu Lord Vishnu
Sadacarya Good teacher
Sadaiappan Lord Siva
Sandananda Eternal bliss
Sadar Fearful, attentive
Sadashiva Eternally pure
Sadavir Eternally brave
Sadeepan Lighted up
Sadguru Good teacher
Sadhan Pocessing
Sadhiman Full of intelligence
Sadhu Noble
Sadhuja Well born, good conduct
Sadiq Kingly
Sadru Lord Vishnu
Sadyant Complete, entire
Saeed Priestly
Safal Succeed; Fruitful
Sagar Ocean
Sagma Powerful
Sagun Possessed of qualities
Sahaj Natural
Sahanya Mighty mountain
Saharsha Joyful, glad
Sahar Sun, Dawn,Morning
Sahas Bravery
Sahasin Powerful
Sahasrayu Living a 1000 years
Sahat Strong
Sahavan Possessing strength
Sahay Help
Sahdev One of the Pandava princes
Sahib The lord
Sahil Guide
Sahira Mountain
Sahlad Having joy, cheerful
Sahoja Full of strength
Sahojit Victorious by strength
Sahora Good, excellent
Sahovan Superior
Sahvan Powerful
Sahya Able to bear
Sahyu Victorious
Sainath Saibaba
Sairam Lord Sai Baba
Saipraasad Blessing
Saipratap Blessing of Saibaba
Saideepak Flower
Saivansh Part of Lord Shiva,Sai Baba
Saivi Auspicious
Saivya Prosperous
Sajal Moist
Sajan Beloved
Sajay Joyful
Sajiv Live, Lively, Gods Place
Sajit Victorious superior
Sakala Perfect
Saket Lord Krishna
Sakin Helful, powerful
Sakman Capability, power
Sakraja Son of Indra
Saksam Able, powerful
Sakta Capable
Sakya Possible
Salah Mission, Sending
Salarjung Beautiful
Saleem Healthy
Salil Water
Salim Happy, peaceful
Salaman High
Samajas Lord Shiva
Samantha Bordering
Samanvaya Equanimity
Samar War
Samarajit victorious in war
Samarendra Lord Vishnu
Samarendu Lord Vishnu
Samarjit Lord Vishnu
Samarth Powerful
Samay Time
Sammath Agreed
Sambaran Restraint, name of an ancient king
Sambhav Born, manifested
Sambit Consciousness
Sambhddha Wise
Samendra Winner of war
Sameen Valuable
Sameer Breeze
Samgram Host
Samir Breeze
Samiran Breeze
Sammud Joy, delight
Sampadin Perfect
Sampaka Shining as lightening
Sampat Prosperous
Sampathkumar Prosperous youth
Samprit Completely satisfied, delighted
Samraj Ruling over all
Samrat Universal, supreme ruler
Samud Joyful
Samudra Ocean
Samudragupta A famous Gupta king
Samudrasen Lord of the ocean
Samvath Prosperous
Samyak Enough
Sanabhi Related
Sanaj Ancient
Sanal Powerful
Sanam Beloved
Sanas Laughing Smiling
Sanat Lord Brahma
Sanav The Sun
Sanay Eternal, Good Eyes
Sanchay Collection
Sanchit Collected
Sandeep Rishi
Sandeepan A sage
Sandesh Message, gift
Sandy Defending men
Sadanand Ever joyous
Sangrah Holding together
Sangram Host
Sangupt Percectly hidden
Sanil Gifted
Sanjan Creator
Sanjay Dhritarashtra's charioteer
Sanjiv Love, life
Sanjith Perfectly victorious
Sanjivan Immortality
Sankalpa Resolve
Sankarshan A name of Balaram, brother of Lord Krishna
Sankasya Unstable
Sanket Signal
Sanmukha Six faced
Sannibh Rays of light, lightning
Sanobar Palm tree
Sanoj Rising Sun, Attractive
Sansubh Radiant, beautiful
Santosh Contentment
Sanurag Affectionate
Sanwariya Lord Krishna
Sanyog Coincidence
Sapan Dream
Saquib Bright
Saral Straight
Sarang Name of a raga
Saranyu Moving fast, quick
Saras A bird; lake
Sarasam Lotus
Sarasija Lotus
Sarat A sage
Sarav Perfectionist
Saravanan Another name for God Murugan
Sarbajit One who has conquered everything
Sarfaraz Head held high
Sargam Going smoothly
Saroj Lotus
Sartaj Crown
Sarthak Well done
Sarup Beautiful
Sarur Heart of the pond
Sarvadaman Son of Shakuntala-Bharat
Sarvadeva Lord Siva
Sarvaga Soul
Sarvamitra Friend of all
Sarvanan Lord Murugan
Sarvanand Making all happy
Sarvanavel Another name for Lord Murugan
Sarvaprabhu Lord of all
Sarvesh Lord of all
Sarwar Promotion
Sashreek Prosperous
Satindra Lord Vishnu
Satish Victorious
Satrijit Father of Satyabhama, wife of Lord Krishna
Satyajit Wedded to truth
Satyakam Son of Jabala in the Mahabharata
Satyaki Charioteer of Krishna
Satyjit Victory of Truth
Satvamohan Truthful
Satyam Honest, truthful
Satyanarayan Lord Krishna
Satyankar True; good
Satyaprakash Light of truth
Satyapriya Devoted to truth
Satyasheel Truthful
Satyavan Husband of Savitri; true
Satyavrata Dedicated to truth
Satyendra Lord of truth
Saucin Pure
Sauman Flower, blossom
Saunak Boy sage
Saurabh Fragrence
Saurav Sweet soundling
Saurya Heroism
Savanth Employer
Savar Lord Shiva
Savas Strength, power
Savitendra The sun
Sawan A Hindu month
Sayak Arrow
Sayam Evening
Sayed Leader
Seenu Positive energy
Seemanta Parting line of hair
Sejal Pure Water
Selvakumaran Prosperous
Selvan Prosperous
Selvannmbi Prosperous and confident
Selvaraj Most handsome
Senmal The best
Senil Old
Sendhil Lord Murugan
SendhilNathan Lord Murugan
Sengannan Visionary
Senthamarai Red Lotus
Sevak Servant
Shaan Pride
Shachin Lord Indra
Shadab Fresh
Shaheen Tender
Shahid Patriot
Shailendra King of mountains
Shattesh King of mountains
Shaistakhan Polite
Shakib Patience
Shakti Power
Shaktidhar Lord Shiva
Shakyasinha Lord Buddha
Shaligram Lord Vishnu
Shambhu Lord Shiva
Shameek An ancient sage
Shami Fire
Shamindra Quiet; gentle
Shams Fragrance
Shamshu, Shamshad Beautiful
Shandar Proud
Shankar Lord Shiva
Shankdhar Lord Krishna
Shankha Conch
Shanmukha, Shanmuga Kartikeya, first son of Lord Shiva
Shantanu A king from the epic Mahabharata
Shantashil Gentle
Shantimay Peaceful
Shantinath Lord of peace
Shantiprakash Light of peace
Shantipriya Peace-loving
Sharad, Sarat Autumn
Sharadchandra Autumn moon
Sharadindu Autumn moon
Sharan Shelter
Sharang Deer
Shardul Tiger
Shariq Intelligent
Shashanka The moon
Shashibhushan Lord Shiva
Shashidhar The moon
Shashikiran Moon's rays
Shashimohan The moon
Shashishekhar Lord Shiva
Shatrunjay Victorious
Shatrughna, Shatrughan Victorious
Shatrujit Victorious over enemies
Shaukat Grand
Shaunak A great sage
Shaurav Bear
Sheetal Cool
Shekhar Lord Shiva
Shesh Cosmic serpent
Shirshirchandra Winter moon
Shevantilal A crysanthemum
Shikha Flame
Shikhar Peak
Shirish A flower; raintree
Shiromani Superb jewel
Shishir Winter
Shishirkumar The moon
Shishupal Sone of Subhadra
Shiv Lord Shiva
Shivendra Lord Shiva
Shivendu Pure moon
Shivesh Lord Shiva
Shivlal Lord Shiva
Shivraj Lord Shiva
Shivam Auspicious
Shivshankar Lord Shiva
Shobhan Splendid
Shoorsen Brave
Shravan Name of a Hindu month
Shravankumar A character from the epic Ramayana
Shreerang Another name of Vishnu
Shrenik Organised
Shreshta The best
Shreyas Good
Shreyash Credit & Success
Shri Respected
Shrideep Auspicious Lampedded to Truth
Shridhar Lord Vishnu
Shrihan Lord Vishnu
Shrigopal Lord Krishna
Shrihari Lord Krishna
Shrikanta Beautiful
Shrikrishna Lord Krishna
Shrikumar Beautiful
Shrimat Lord Vishnu
Shrinath Lord Vishnu
Shrinivas Lord Vishnu
Shripad Lord Vishnu
Shripal Lord Vishnu
Shripati Lord Vishnu
Shriram Lord Rama
Shriranga Lord Vishnu
Shrish Lord Vishnu
Shrivatsa Lord Vishnu
Shriyadita Lord Sun
Shriyans Wealth
Shubha Auspicious
Shubhang Handsome
Shubhankar Auspivious
Shubhashis Blessing
Shubhendu Luckly moon
Shubhranshu The moon
Shuddhashil Well-born
Shyam Lord Krishna
Shyamsundar Lord Krishna
Siddhanta Principle
Siddharth Accomplished
Siddhartha A name of Lord Buddha
Siddheshwar A goddess
Sidhya Auspicious
Siem Fast
Silu Rock
Singaravelan Lord Murugan
Sinha Hero
Siraj Lamp
Sirak Intelligent
Sisir Winter, Dews
Sitakanta Lord Rama
Sitanshu The moon
Sitikantha Lord Shiva
Sivakumaran Son of Lord Siva
Sivanta Lord Shiva
Sivi Lord Shiva
Siya Goddess Lakshmi,Bright,Light
Skanda Clever
Smaran Remembrance
Smarajit One who has conquered lust
Smyan Smile
Smritiman Unforgettable
Snehanshn Affectionate
Snehin A friend
Sobhin Brilliant
Sohail Moon-glow
Soham 'I am He'-the presence of divinity of each soul
Sohan Charm, Handsome
Sohil Beautiful
Sohith Guru
Soor Sun, Godly
Som The moon
Soman The moon
Somdev Lord of the moon
Somendra Moon
Somansh half moon
Someshwar Lord Shiva
Somnath Lord Shiva
Sonik Golden, Name of Rishi
Sopan Steps
Soumil A friend
Soumyakanti Handsome
Sourabh Fragrance
Souren Of the sun
Sourish Lord Vishnu
Soven Beautiful
Srav Praise, Glory, fame
Sragvibhushan Lord Vishnu (who loves tulasi)
Srey Happiness
Sridatta Given by God
Srijan Creation
Sriman Bearer of prosperity
Srivas One of Lord Chaitanya's associates
Srinarayan Lord vishnu
Srinivas One of Lord Chaitanya's associates
Srutya To be famous, glorious
Stavir Praiser, singer
Sual Asked for
Subal A friend of Lord Krishna
Subash Fragrance
Subbarao Auspicious
Subhan Aware
Subhang Lord Shiva
Subhash Well-spoken
Subinay Humble
Subramani Lord Murugan
Subodh Good sense
Subrata Devoted to what is right
Sudama Lord Krishna's friend
Sudarshan Handsome
Suday Gift
Sudeep Bright
Sudesh Country
Sudhakar The moon
Sudhamay Full of nectar
Sudhan Very rich
Sudhanshu The moon
Sudhi Scholar
Sudhindra Lord of knowledge
Sudhir Great scholar;calm
Sudhith Kind
Sudip Very bright
Sudyut Shining beautifully
Sugata A name of the Buddha
Sugreev Man with a beautiful neck
Sugun With good qualities
Suha Name of a Star
Suhail Moon-glow
Suhan Good Looking, Prince
Suhas Smiling beautifully
Suhrid Well-disposed
Suhrit Well-disposed
Sujan Honest
Sujay Victory
Sujash Illustrious
Sujit Winner
Sukalya Perfectly sound
Sukant, Sukanta Handsome
Sukesh With beautiful
Suketu A Yaksha king
Sukhamay Pleasurable
Sukhdev Giver of bliss
Sukrit Good deed
Sukumar Soft, meritorious
Sukumaran Doer of Good, a class of dieties
Sulekh Beautifully written
Sulochan One with beautiful eyes
Sultan King
Suman Flower
Sumant Wise
Sumanta Wise
Sumantra Friend of King Dasarath
Sumedh Clever
Sumeet, Sumit A good friend
Sumitra Good friend
Sunasi Lord Indra
Sunayak Wise leader
Sundar Handsome
Sundaravel Lord Murugan
Suneet Of good principles, prudent
Sunil Blue, sapphire
Sunirmal Pure
Suparna Leafy
Suprakash Manifested
Supratik Cupid
Supratim Beautiful image
Supriya Beloved
Sur A musical note
Suraj The sun
Surajit God
Surakshith Safe
Suranjan Pleasing
Suren Lord Indra
Surendra Lord Indra
Suresh Lord Indra
Surdeep Lamp of music
Surin Wise, learned
Suru Multi Talented Person
Surya The sun
Suryabali As power as the sun
Suryadeva The god surya
Suryaditya Surya,the son of aditi
Suryagarbha The band of the sun
Suryakant Loved by the sun, shine of sun
Surya prakash Sunlight
Suryansh Part of sun
Suryashankar Lord Shiva
Sushanta Quiet
Sushil Well-behaved
Sushobhan Very beautiful
Sushrut Well- heard
Sushruta Son of sage Viswamitra
Sutej Lustre
Sutejas Very bight
Suvan The sun
Suvimal Pure
Suyash Illustrious
Svarnajit Gold winner
Svarnpati Lord of light
Svaujas Having natural energy
Svetabha White shine
Svetabhadra Fair complextion
Svetabhanu White rayed
Svetaki Fair complexioned
Svetanka Bright
Svetapada White footed
Svojas Very strong, powerful
Swah Lord of the Fire
Swami Master, Lord
Swaminath The Lord Almighty
Swapan Dream
Swapnil Dreamlike
Swaraj Freedom
Swarup Truth
Swatantar Independent
Swetaketu An ancient sage
Swax Beautiful Eye,Lord Vishnu
Swayambhu Lord Shiva
Swetaketu An ancient sage
Syam Dark Blue,Black
Syamantak A jewel of Lord Vishnu
Syon Good Luck
Syona Soft
Syril Lord
Syon Gentle
Syum Ray
Syuna Ray of light
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