
Popular Indian Boy Baby Names starting with 'B'

Modern Indian Boy Baby Names dictionary starting with letter 'B' and their meanings in a simple and easy to navigate format. The list comprises of Unique boy baby names for alphabet 'B' that are popular across the world.
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Modern Indian Boy names with meanings - Alphabet 'B'

Baadal Cloud
Baahir Dazzling, Brilliant
Baahubali Savior
Baalaark The rising sun
Baalan Little boy
Baalkrishna Young krishna
Baanbhatt Name of an ancient poet
Baanke Bihaari Name of Krishna
Baasim Smiling
Baaskaran One who shines like the sun
Babala Above
Babala Above
Baban One who conquers
Babhri Victorious
Babhru Fire
Babhrumalin Firekeeper
Babumohan Quick to take decision
Bachil One who speaks much, an orator
Badal Cloud
Badavagni mare's fire
Badhananda having pleasure, attached, joyful
Badri Lord Vishnu
Badrinath Lord Vishnu
Bagira Loving & Nurturing
Baha Beautiful, Magnificent
Baha Udeen The magnificent of the Faith
Bahiy Udeen The magnificent of the Faith
Bahu Arm
Bahubali A Jain Tirthakar
Bahuketu Many peaked, mountain
Bahumanya Honoured by many
Bahumargi Follower of many paths
Bahumitra Friend of many
Bahula Broad, ample
Bahumulya High priced
Bahuleya Lord Kartikeya
Bahupatu Very clever
Bahuprada One who donates much, liberal
Bahupriya Dear to many
Bahurai With great riches
Bahusakti Very powerful
Bahusasta Excellent, Right, Happy
Bahuvasin Controller of many
Bahuvata Strong armed
Bahuvidha Very intelligent
Bahuvikrama Very powerful
Bahuvirya Very powerful
Bahyakunda Progressive, Enlightened
Baira Brave
Bajrang A name of Lord Hanuman
Bakhtawar One who brings good luck
Bakshi Gift or Present
Bakool Flower
Bakula Resembling a crane, Another name for siva
Balaaditya Young sun,Young man
Balabhadra One with power, strong, powerful
Balachandra The crescent moon
Balada Bestower of Strength
Baladhi Deep insight
Baladhitya The newly risen sun
Baladhya Rich in strength, bean
Baladhika Baladhya
Balagupta Balah
Balaji Strong
Balakumar Youthful
Balambu Son of Sambhu, Lord Shiva
Balamohana Attracting childrens
Balamurugan Young lord murugan
Balamani Young Jewel
Balan Youthful, vibrant
Balanath Lord of strength
Balaravi The morning sun
Balarka The rising sun
Balavira Brave and powerful, hero
Bala Subramanian god murugan
Balayukta Endowed with strength
Balbir Strong
Baldev Strong
Balhika Powerful, energetic
Balendra Lord Krishna
Balagovind Baby Krishna
Balakrishna Baby Krishna
Balakumara Youthful
Balaraj Strong
Balaram The brother of Lord Krishna
Balasingam Young lion
Bali Brave,Lord of strength
Balhar Surrounded by strength
Balik Young boy
Baliman, Balistha Powerful
Balmukund Young Krishna
Balveer Strong
Balvindra, Balvinder Strong
Balwant Strong
Balwin Bold Protector
Banaj Lotus
Banbihari Lord Krishna
Bandhu Friend
Bandhul Pleasing
Baneet Polite
Bankebihari Lord Krishna
Bankim Curved
Bankimchandra Crescent moon
Bansi Flute
Basil King
Bansilal Lord Krishna, the first lord, Lord Vishnu
Barayi Lover of the great, admirer
Barhistha Mightiest, Strongest, Loudest
Barid Cloud
Baridbaran Colour of the cloud
Barindra The ocean
Barun Lord of the Sea
Basanta Spring
Basavaraj Lord of bulls
Bashir Harbinger of good things
Basistha A sage
Basudha Earth
Benoy Polite
Bhaanish Visionary
Bhadraka Good, handsome, brave
Bhadrang Beautiful body
Bhadranidhi Treasure of goodness
Bhadrayu Leads a good life
Bhadrika Noble
Bhagaditya The sun which bestows wealth
Bhagat Devotee
Bhagirat With glorious chariot
Bhagyanandana Controller of destiny
Bhagwant Fortunate
Bhairav Lord Shiva
Bhajamana Praying through heart, Sincerely
Bhajan Adoration
Bhakosa Treasure of light, Sun
Bhalendra Lord of fortune
Bhanu The sun
Bhanuchandra shining moon
Bhanudas A devotee of the sun
Bhanudatta Bright, enlightening
Bhanudeva Lord of glory, sun
Bhadresh Lord Shiva
Bhanuprasad Gift of Sun
Bharadwaj A sage; a mythical bird
Bharat Son of Shakuntala and founder of Bharat of India
Bharavi Shining sun
Bharg Bright,Brilliance
Bhagesh Lord Of Richness
Bhargava Lord Shiva
Bhargyaraj Lord of luck
Bhaskar The sun
Bhaswar Shining
Bhaswath Never Ending, Eternal
Bhaumik Attached to the earth
Bhav Lord shiva
Bhavamanyu Creator of universe
Bhavatu Amen or okay
Bhavesh Lord Shiva
Bhavika Well-meaning
Bhavin Living being, man
Bhima Powerful, terrible
Bhishma One who has taken a terrible vow
Bhojaraja Lord of generosity
Bholonatha Lord of innocent
Bhonesa Lord of universe
Bhooshan Decoration, Ornaments
Bhooshit Decorated
Bhraja Shining, glittering
Bhrij Lord Krishna
Bhudeva Lord of earth
Bhuman, Bhumi Earth
Bhumanyu Universally accepted; devotee of the earth
Bhupal king
Bhupathi Lord of the earth
Bhupen Lord of the world, a King
Bhupati Lord of the earth
Bhurivasu One who has a lot of wealth
Bhuv sky,Heaven
Bhuva Atmosphere, another name for agni
Bhuvan The world
Bhuvanesh The lord of the world Vishnu
Bhuvanyu Possessing the earth
Bhuvapati Lord of atmosphere
Bhuvi Heaven
Bibek Conscience
Bibin Like to Think
Bibhas A raga
Bibhavasu The sun, fire
Bijal Lightning
Bijin Cosmic creator
Bikram Prowess
Bilva A sacred leaf
Bilvaka Living in a cave
Bimal Pure
Binoy Humility, humble, request
Bipin Forest, free
Biren Lord of warriors
Birbal Brave heart
Birju Powerful
Bisaj Lotus
Bishanpal Raised by God
Bishr Joy
Bisujaksha Lord Vishnu
Bitasok One who does not mourn
Bittu Life giving
Blram Brave
Bodhan Kindling
Boudhayan The name of a sage
Boney Pleasant, Charming
Burnu A Tree
Brahamjeet God's triumph
Brahma Creator of Universal
Brahmabrata Ascetic
Brahmadutt Dedicated to Lord Brahma
Braj Place of lord krishna
Branesh Lord of Life
Bratindra Devoted to right deeds
Brijesh Lord Krishna
Brijmohan Lord Krishna
Buddhadeva Gautama Buddha
Buddhapriya One liked by Buddha
Buddhiraja lord of Intellect
Budhil Learned
Budrasena With an army of the enlightened
Budrika Learned, Enlightened
Bukka Heart, Loving, Sincere
Bula A nose-ring
Bunda Arrow
Burhaan Proof
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