
Popular Indian Boy Baby Names starting with 'D'

Modern Indian Boy Baby Names dictionary starting with letter 'D' and their meanings in a simple and easy to navigate format. The list comprises of Unique boy baby names for alphabet 'D' that are popular across the world.
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Modern Indian Boy names with meanings - Alphabet 'D'

Daamodar A name of Krishna
Daaruk Charioteer of Krishna, tree
Daarun Hard Male Hindu
Daanish To be clever
Dadhivahana With a chariot of milk,curd carrier
Dahana A Rudra
Daha Blazing, very bright
Dahus Lion
Daitya A Non Aryan
Daivat Luck; Powerful; Divinity; Heart of the God
Daivya Divine
Daiwik By the grace of God
Daksh Precious Son
Daksha Able, talented
Daksapati Lord of perfect
Dakshesh Lord Shiva
Dakshi The glorious
Dakshin South Direction
Dakshina Donation to god
Dakshinayan Some moment of the sun
Dakshith Lord Shiva
Dala Petal, fragment, group
Dalajita Winning over a group
Dalamodaka Petal honey
Dalbha Wheel
Dalapathi Leader of a group
Dalbhya Belonging to wheels
Daler Brave; Valiant; Daring; Fearless; Bold
Dalip King
Dalir Brave
Dalyn True Love
Damacandra Suppressing moon
Daman One who controls
Damaya To control onself
Damian Tamer
Damya Tamable
Damodar With a rope around the waist
Damin Self controlled
Dana Intelligent
Dananjay One who Wins Wealth
Danavarsh Rain of Wealth
Dandapati Lord of generosity
Dandak A forest
Dandapaani Name of Lord karthikeya
Daniel God is my judge
Danish To be clever; Mercyfull and forseening
Danta Calm. A name for Lord Hanuman
Danu Liberal, courageous
Danuj Born of danu, a danava
Danush A Bow in Hand
Danvir Charitable
Daqr A beautiful and thriving garden
Darab Big gate
Darim A narrator of Hadith
Darpad Lord Shiva
Darpak Kamdev, god of love
Darpan A mirror
Darpit Our Reflection
Darsh Lord Krishna
Darshil Perfection
Darshik Perceiver
Darshan Paying respect, religious text
Daruk Tree
Dasharath The father of Lord Rama
Dasharathi Lord Rama
Daskh God
Dasmaya Beautiful
Dastan Story
Datta Given; Granted; Presented
Dattatreya Given by atri
Dattey Lord Indra
Dattra Indra's gift
Daudi A flower
Daveedaas Servent of god
Daveena Beauty
Dawar Ruler,Judge
Dax Who is aware in all thing always
Daxesh Lord Brahma
Daya Compasion, sympathy
Dayaal Kind heart
Dayada Son, inheritor
Dayakar Merciful Lord Shiva
Dayakara Compassionate
Dayamay Full of mercy
Dayanand A King
Dayanidhi Treasure house of mercy
Dayasagara Ocean of compassionate
Dayashankar Merciful Lord Shiva
Dayaswarup Merciful
Dyavira Heroically compassionate
Debashis Benediction of god
Debashish The lords blessings
Deenabandhu Friend of the poor
Deep A lamp
Deepak Lustrous
Deepan Lighting up
Deepankar Lord of light
Deependu Bright moon
Deepesh Lord of light
Deepinder God's light
Deepit Lighted
Deeptanshu The sun
Deeptendu Bright moon
Deeptiman Lustrous
Deeptimoy Lustrous
Dehabhuj Another name for Lord Shiva
Deja Already
Delnia Calm
Delshad Happy
Denise From Dionysisu; God of wine
Desaraj King of a country
Deshik Guru
Dev God, king
Deva Light, divine
Devabrata A name of Bhisma
Devachandra Moon among the gods
Devadas Follower of God
Devadarshan Familiar with gods
Devadatta God given
Devadhipa Lord of the gods
Devadyumna Glory of the gods
Devilaal Son of devi
Devaj From God
Devajyoti Brightness of the Lord
Devajuta The one with the good
Devak Divine
Devakantha Beloved of the gods
Devakeenandan Name of lord Krishna
Devakumara Son of a deva
Deval Name of a saint,Divine, Holy
Devamadana Gladdening the gods
Devamidha God begotten
Devamidhusa Bestowed by the gods
Devamisra A Godly mixture
Devamitra A Friendly of God
Devan Like a God
Devanand Joy of the gods
Devanna Food offered to the gods
Devang From god
Devansh Part of God
Devank Godly
Devaapi An ancient king
Devaprabha With divine splendour
Devapriya Dear to the gods
Devaraj King of the gods
Devaranya The garden of the gods
Devarha Worthy of the gods
Devarpana Offerings to the gods
Devarsabha A powerful god
Devarshi Teacher of the God
Devarya Divine belief
Devasaka Friend of gods
Devasarasa Pool of gods
Devashish Blessing of god
Devasilpa A divine work of art
Devasru Known to gods
Devasruta With divine knowledge
Devasura Divine hero
Devbrata Bhishma
Devendra Lord Indra
Deven King of Gods, Another name for Lord Indra
Devdutta King
Devguru Brihaspati
Dev Kumar Son of gods
Devnarayan King
Devnath King of gods
Devesh Lord Shiva
Deveshwar Lord Shiva
Devin Resembling a god
Deviprasad Gift of the goddess
Devisa Chief of gods
Devrat Spiritual
Devvrata Name of an ancient king
Devya Devine power
Dhairya Patience
Dhairyash Patience & Success
Dhaman Ray, light
Dhamendra Dharm Dev
Dhanajit Wealth
Dhananjay Arjuna
Dhanesh Lord of wealth
Dhanraj Lord Kuber
Dhanin Wealthy
Dhanis Lord of wealth; Clever and wisdom
Dhansukh Wealthy; happy
Dhanush The bow
Dhanvant Wealthy
Dhanvin Armed with a bow
Dhanvine Name of lord rama
Dharamnishth One who has faith in religion
Dharanidhar Shesh - the cosmic serpent
Dharendra King of the earth
Dharitree The earth
Dheeraj Bravery
Dharmachandra Moon of dharma
Dharmadas One who serves his religion
Dharmadeva God of justice
Dharmaditya Son of dharma
Dharmaketu Who upholds the right way
Dharmanand One who takes pleasure in his religion
Dharmendra God of religion
Dharmendu Light of religion
Dharmik A name of lord ganesha
Dharmpal Protector of his religion
Dharmveer Religious
Dharv Satisfaction
Dharesh Lord Of Land
Dhavak Runner, quick
Dhavalachandra White moon
Dhawal White
Dheeman Intelligent
Dheemant Wise; intelligent
Dheer Gentle
Dheeraj Patience,Consolation
Dheerendra God of courage
Dheivamani Blessed gem
Dheeran Achiever
Dhevan Godly
Dhevaneyan Pious
Dhey Karna
Dhikshit Initiated
Dhilan Son of the waves
Dhimant One who is wise
Dhinakar The sun
Dhinanta Evening
Dhipin Exciting
Dhiraj Emperor
Dhiran Delighting in devotion
Dhirendra Lord of the brave
Dhritiman Patient
Dhrsti Bold
Dhrti Firmness, resolution
Dhrut Motion
Dhruv Unshakeable the Pole Star
Dhruvaka Firm, stable
Dhruvansh Polar star
Dhruvi Firmly fixed
Dhrish Sight
Dhwani Sound
Dhvanya Suggested meaning
Dhven Godly
Dhyana Meditation
Dhyanesh Meditative
Diar An expensive wood
Dignesh Lord of Direction
Digvastra Sky clad
Dijan Big
Dijesh One who rules by the day
Dijul Innocent
Diksin Initiated
Dilip An ancestor of Lord Rama, a king
Dilshith Mind
Dilve Glory
Dishanta horizon
Dilawar Brave
Dinakar The Sun
Dinanath Protector
Dinapati The sun
Dinar Gold coin
Dindayal Kindto the poor
Dinesh The sun
Dinpal Sun
Dipan Lighting up,Brilliant,Invigorating
Dipen Light of the lamp
Dipra Bright, Brilliant
Dipta Illuminated, bright, brilliant
Dishen Suryadev; The sun
Disnu Liberal
Divakar The sun
Divit Immortal
Divyanga Divine body
Divyendu The moon
Drauni Son of Drona
Dhrava Flowing, liquid, property
Dhridha Firm, fixed
Dravid Property owner
Dron Mahabharata guru
Drupad A king, father of Draupadi
Dulal Dear one
Druvan Hindu Boy
DuraiMurugan Lord Murugan
Duranjaya A heroic son
Durga Unreachable
Durjaya Difficult to conquer
Durvish Who cannot be affected by poison
Dushyanta A king from the epic Mahabharata
Dvipendra Lord of the island
Dwarakaa Capital, Lord Krishna's kingdom
Dwaraka-daas Servant of Dwaarakaa
Dwaaraka-nath Lord of Dwarakaa
Dwaipayan The sage Vyasa
Dwij saint
Dwijain Moon
Dwijaraj King of Brahmins; the moon
Dwijendra King of Brahmins; the moon
Dwijesh River
Dylan The sea
Dyota Light, brilliance
Dyumani Lord Shiva
Dyumnika Inspired
Dyunisa Day and night
Dyupati Sky lord, god
Dyuratna Sky jewel
Dyutana Shining, bright
Dyuti Splendour, brightness
Dyutikar Handsome, bright, illuminating
Dyutikara Bright
Dyutit Illuminated
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