Chhattisgarh Tourism Packages

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Chhattisgarh is a heavily forested state in central India known for its temples and waterfalls. Near the capital Raipur, the town of Sirpur on the Mahanadi River is home to the red-brick Lakshmana (Laxman) Temple, decorated with carvings from Indian mythology. In the south, the city of Jagdalpur hosts the Sanjay Market on Sundays, a bartering place for local tribes. The huge Chitrakoot Falls lie to the northwest.

Popular tourist destinations in Chhattisgarh

General Information

  • Area: 135,191 km²
  • Population: 29,936,268
  • Literacy: 64.7%
  • Capital: Raipur
  • Districts: 27

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Top tourist attractions in Chhattisgarh

  • Chitrakote Falls
  • Teerathgarh Falls
  • Bhoramdeo Temple
  • Indravati National Park



Vacations in Chhattisgarh - How to reach Chhattisgarh

Chhattisgarh has coverage of mostly two-lane or one-lane roads which provides connectivity to major cities. Eleven national highways passing through the state which are together 3078.40 km in length.This includes 130A New, 130B New, 130C New, 130D New, 149B New, 163A New, 343 New, 930New.. Other national highway includes NH 6, NH 16, NH 43, NH 12A, NH 78, NH 111, NH 200, NH 202, NH 216, NH 217, NH 221, NH30NH 930 NEW. The state highways and major district roads constitute another network of 8,031 kms. Chhattisgarh has one of the lowest densities of National Highway in Central and South India (12.1 km/100,000 population) which is similar to the North Eastern state of Assam.
The air infrastructure in Chhattisgarh is small compared to other states.Swami Vivekananda Airport in Raipur is its sole airport with scheduled commercial air services. A massive reduction in sales tax on aviation turbine fuel (ATF) from 25 to 4% in Chhattisgarh in 2003 has contributed to a sharp rise in passenger flow. The passenger flow has increased by 58% between 2011 and November 2012. The State Government has signed a MOU with the Airports Authority of India (AAI) in July 2013 to develop Raigarh Airport, Jagadalpur, Ambikapur for domestic flights.Under UDAN regional connectivity plan Jagdalpur airport was briefly connected to Raipur by Air Odisha. Chhattisgarh which is larger than Bengal, Tamil Nadu or country like North Korea lacks civilian airports and does not have major state level civil aviation policy. know more.
train   Railways
The state has the highest freight loading in the country and one-sixth of Indian Railway's revenue comes from Chhattisgarh. The length of rail network in the state is 1,108 km, while a third track has been commissioned between Durg and Raigarh.Construction of some new railway lines is under way.[when?]. These include Dalli-Rajhara–Jagdalpur rail line, Pendra Road-Gevra Road Rail Line rail line, Raigarh-Mand Colliery to Bhupdeopur rail line and Barwadih-Chirmiri rail line.Freight/goods trains provide services mostly to coal and iron ore industries in east-west corridor (Mumbai-Howrah route). There is lack of passenger services to north and south of Chhattisgarh. Current train stations are mostly over crowded and not maintained well for passengers.
   Rented Vehicles
It is quite easy to rent cars, most of them are rented along with drivers. These car rentals can be easily found online, or physically at airports, railway stations, bus stands and at popular tourist destinations.
Chhattisgarh district Map
Chhattisgarh tourism

List of Districts

List of Chhattisgarh tourism districts. Know more

Hindi languages


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Lok Sabha Seats

List of lok sabha seats in Chhattisgarh Know more

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Chhattisgarh Travel Information

Airports in Chhattisgarh
  • Ambikapur Airport
  • Bilaspur Airport
  • Jagdalpur Airport
  • Kodatarai Airport
  • Nandini Airport
Cuisines in Chhattisgarh
  • Aamat
  • Bafauri
  • Bara
  • Bhajia
  • Chila
  • Dubki Kadi
  • Faraa
  • Khurma
  • Muthia
  • Sabudana ki Kichdi
  • Tilgur
Dances in Chhattisgarh
  • Gendi
  • Jhirliti
  • Karma
  • Panthi Dance
  • Pandavani
  • Raut Nacha
  • Sammi
  • Saila Dance
  • Sua Nacha
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