Indian Grocery Translations - English to Sanskrit

Sanskrit language Common Indian grocery items in English along with their Sanskrit translations. Following is the list of cereals, pulses, vegetables, fruits, flours, spices and dry fruit names translated to Sanskrit. Please contact us to add missing groceries in this list. Thank you! For listing of translations in different languages, both Indian and International, please click here to know more.
Cereals & Pulses
English Sanskrit Transliteration
Bengal Gram  Bengal GramChanaka
Coriander seeds  Coriander seedsKustumbari
Cumin seeds  Cumin seedsAjaji, Jira
Coriander seeds  Coriander seedsDhanyaka
Turmeric  TurmericHaridra
Horse Gram  Horse GramKulthi
Salt  SaltLavanam
English Sanskrit Transliteration
Gram Flour  Gram FlourChankapishtam
Wheat Flour  Wheat FlourGodumapishtam
Rice Flour  Rice FlourThundulapishtam
Vegetables & Fruits
English Sanskrit Transliteration
Brinjal  BrinjalVrinthakam
Snake Guard  Snake GuardPatol
Cauliflower  CauliflowerGojihawa
Carrot  CarrotGrunjanam
Green Peas  Green PeasPisum sativum
Lemon  LemonJambir
Onion  OnionPalandu
  GarlicUgragandha, Lashuna
Garlic  PotatoAaluk
Tomato  TomatoVartki
Beans  BeansNishpavfrabed
Cucumber  CucumberPatol
Ladies Finger  Ladies Finger Bindika
Raddish  Raddish Moolika
Bitter Gourd  Bitter GourdKarlebellam
Ash Gourd  Ash GourdGhrinavasa
Bottle Gourd  Bottle GourdKarkatee
Pumpkin  PumpkinKummand
Pineapple  PineappleAnnas, Ananasam
Banana  BananaKadliphalam
Banana-raw  Banana-rawKadli phalam
Mango  MangoAamram
Grapes  GrapesDraksha
Jackfruit  JackfruitPanasam
Guava  GuavaBeejphurphalam
Water Melon  Water Melonkalighfalaham
Apple  AppleKashmiiraphalam
Custard apple  Custard appleRamphalam
Orange  OrangeNaarangam
Papaya  PapayaMadhukarkati, Chirbhita
Dates  DatesKhajoora
Drum Stick  Drum StickSurajana
Black plum  Black plumJambul
Pear  PearAmrutha Phal
Spices & Dry Fruits
English Sanskrit Transliteration
Aniseed  AniseedAtichattraka
Asafoetida  AsafoetidaAgudagandhu
Bay Leaf  Bay LeafGandhajata
Black Pepper  Black PepperMarica
Cardamom  CardamomAardakam
Cinnamon  CinnamonChochak
Cloves  ClovesGrahaṇihara
Fennel  FennelMadhurika
Ginger  GingerAnkalodya
Red Chillies  Red ChilliesHokis
Tamarind  TamarindAmlaphala
Turmeric powder  Turmeric powderHaladi, Arashanrajani
Cashewnuts  CashewnutsKorosho
Flax seeds  Flax seedsAlasi
Sesame seeds  Sesame seedsTil
English Sanskrit Transliteration
Curry leaves  Curry leavesGirinimba
Coriander  CorianderKustumburi
Spinach  SpinachPaalkya
English Sanskrit Transliteration
Rice  Rice (Raw)Tanadula
Honey  HoneyPitaka
Coconut  CoconutNarikela

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