Indian Grocery Translations - English to Italian

Italian language Common Indian grocery items in English along with their Italian translations. Following is the list of cereals, pulses, vegetables, fruits, flours, spices and dry fruit names translated to Italian. Please contact us to add missing groceries in this list. Thank you! For listing of translations in different languages, both Indian and International, please click here to know more.
Cereals & Pulses
English Italian Transliteration
Bengal Gram  Bengal GramGram bengal
Green Gram  Green GramGrammo verde
Red Gram  Red GramGrammo rosso
Black Gram  Black GramGrammo nero
Poppy seeds  Poppy seedsSemi di papavero
Coriander seeds  Coriander seedsSemi di coriandolo
Mustard seeds  Mustard seedsSemi di senape
Cumin seeds  Cumin seedsSemi di cumino
Ground Nuts  Ground NutsArachidi
Turmeric  TurmericCurcuma
Fenugreek Seeds  Fenugreek SeedsSemi di fieno greco
Millet  MilletMiglio
Maize  MaizeGranoturco
Pearl Millet  Pearl MilletMiglio perlato
Black Eyed Beans  Black Eyed BeansFagioli dagli occhi neri
English Italian Transliteration
Gram Flour  Gram FlourFarina di grammo
Wheat Flour  Wheat FlourFarina di mais
Rice Flour  Rice FlourFarina di riso
Corn Flour  Corn FlourFarina di mais
Vegetables & Fruits
English Italian Transliteration
Brinjal  BrinjalMelanzana
Snake Gourd  Snake GourdZucca serpente
Capsicum  CapsicumCapsico
Cabbage  CabbageCavolo
Cauliflower  CauliflowerCavolfiore
Carrot  CarrotCarota
Green Peas  Green PeasPiselli
Lemon  LemonLimone
Onion  GarlicAglio
Potato  PotatoPatata
Tomato  TomatoPomodoro
Beans  BeansFagioli
Cucumber  Cucumber Cetriolo
Drum Stick  Drum Stick Bacchette
Radish  Radish Ravanello
Bitter Gourd  Bitter GourdPomo meraviglia
Ash Gourd  Ash GourdCenere zucca
Pumpkin  Pumpkin Zucca
Pineapple  PineappleAnanas
Pomegranate  PomegranateMelagrana
Grapes  GrapesUva
Guava  GuavaGuaiava
Water Melon  Water MelonAnguria
Musk Melon  Musk MelonMelone
Apple  Apple Mela
Custard apple   Custard apple Crema di mele
Dates  Dates Date
Fig  Fig Fichi
Orange  Orange Arancione
Papaya  Papaya Papaia
Red Chilli  Red Chilli Peperoncino rosso
Mushroom  Mushroom Fungo allucinogeno
Goose Berry  Goose Berry Uva spina
Corn  Corn Mais
Beetroot  Beetroot Barbabietola
Beetroot  Sweet potato Patata dolce
Cherries  Cherries Ciliegie
Raspberries  Raspberries Lamponi
Strawberry  Strawberry Fragola
Blue berry  Blue berry Mirtillo
Spices & Dry Fruits
English Italian Transliteration
Asafoetida  AsafoetidaAssa fetida
Bay Leaf  Bay LeafAlloro
Black Pepper  Black PepperPepe nero
Cardamom  CardamomCardamomo
Cinnamon  CinnamonCannella
Cloves  ClovesChiodi di garofano
Fennel  Fennel Finocchio
Ginger  GingerZenzero
Red Chillies  Red ChilliesPeperone forte
Tamarind  TamarindTamarindo
Turmeric powder  Turmeric powderCurcuma
Cashewnuts  CashewnutsAnacardi
Raisins  RaisinsUva passa
Apricot  ApricotAlbicocca
Dried Dates  Dried DatesDatteri secchi
Walnut  WalnutNoce
Poppy seeds  Poppy seedsSemi di papavero
Sesame seeds  Sesame seedsSemi di sesamo
Almond  AlmondMandorla
English Italian Transliteration
Fenugreek leaves  Fenugreek leavesFoglie di fieno greco
Curry leaves  Curry leavesFoglie di curry
Coriander  CorianderFoglie di coriandolo
Spinach  Spinachspinaci
Mint leaves  Mint leavesFoglie di menta
Collard leaves  Collard leavesFoglie di collard
Meat and Sea Food
English Italian Transliteration
Egg  EggUovo
Chicken  ChickenPollo
Fish  FishPesce
Prawn  PrawnGamberetto
Pork  PorkMaiale
Beef  BeefManzo
English Italian Transliteration
Rice  Rice (Raw)Riso crudo
Rice  Rice (Boiled)Riso bollito
Semolina  SemolinaSemolina
Vermicelli  VermicelliVermicelli
Jaggery  JaggerySagu
Honey  HoneyMiele
Coconut  CoconutNoce di cocco

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