Indian Grocery Translations - English to Kashmiri

Kashmiri language Listing of common Indian grocery items in English translated to Kashmiri. Names of cereals, pulses, flours, vegetables, spices, dry fruits and meat in English and Kashmiri. We appreciate if you help us to add more groceries names to this list. Thank you! For listing of translations in different languages, both Indian and International, please click here to know more.
Cereals & Pulses
English Kashmiri Transliteration
Bengal Gram  Bengal GramChola dal
Green Gram  Green GramMuang
Red Gram  Red GramArhar Dal
Black Gram  Black GramKaha
Poppy seeds  Poppy seedsKhaskhash
Coriander seeds  Coriander seedsDeaniwal / Kothambalari
Mustard seeds  Mustard seedsAasur
Cumin seeds  Cumin seedsZyur
Ground Nuts  Ground NutsJalgosi
Turmeric  TurmericHaldi
Sago  SagoSaboo Dana
Flattend Rice  Flattend RicePoha
Kidney beans  Kidney beansRajma
Finger Millet  Finger MilletRagi
English Kashmiri Transliteration
Corn Flour  Corn Flour Makai oat
Wheat Flour  Wheat FlourKinki oat
Vegetables & Fruits
English Kashmiri Transliteration
Brinjal  BrinjalVangun
Ridge Guard  Ridge GuardTurrel
Cabbage  CabbageBand
Cauliflower  CauliflowerPhoolghobi
Carrot  CarrotGhahzir
Green Peas  Green PeasMatar
Lemon  LemonLimb, Nyomb
Onion  OnionGanda
Garlic  GarlicRuhan
Potato  PotatoOlu
Tomato  TomatoRuwangum
Beans  BeansHyambi
Cucumber  CucumberLaar
Ladies Finger   Ladies Finger Bindu
Green Chilli  Green ChilliMarac Wagun
Bitter Gourd  Bitter GourdKarela
Bottle Gourd  Bottle GourdZeeth Al
Pumpkin  PumpkinPaarimal
Pineapple  PineapplePunchitipul
Pomegranate  PomegranateDaan
Banana  BananaKhiel
Banana-raw  Banana-rawKham Kael
Mango  MangoAmb
Grapes  GrapesDach
Jackfruit  JackfruitBindu
Water Melon  Water MelonHean-Beand
Musk Melon  Musk MelonKharbuz
Apple  AppleTsoonth
Dates  DatesKhazer
Fig  FigAnjoor
Orange  OrangeSangtar
Mushroom  Mushroom Gucchi
Spices & Dry Fruits
English Kashmiri Transliteration
Aniseed  AniseedShoonth
Asafoetida  AsafoetidaYangu
Bay Leaf  Bay LeafTej Pata
Black Pepper  Black PepperMarts
Cardamom  CardamomNich auleh
Cinnamon  CinnamonDalcyn
Cloves  ClovesRong
Fennel  FennelBodiyana
Ginger  GingerShaunth
Tamarind  TamarindTambari
Turmeric powder  Turmeric powderLader
Cashewnuts  CashewnutsKaju
Peanut  Peanut Moong Phalli
Walnut  Walnut Akhrot
Fig  Fig Anjeer
English Kashmiri Transliteration
Fenu greek leaves  Fenu greek leavesMethi
Coriander  CorianderDaanival
Spinach  SpinachPaalakh
Mint leaves  Mint leavesPudinth
Meat and Sea Food
English Kashmiri Transliteration
Egg  EggAnda
Chicken  ChickenMurgee
Mutton  MuttonBhede ka maans
Fish  FishMachhalee
Prawn  PrawnJheenga
Pork  PorkSooar ka maans
English Kashmiri Transliteration
Rice  Rice (Raw)Tammul
Jaggery  JaggeryGor
Coconut  CoconutKhoprah

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