Indian Grocery Translations - English to Marathi

Marathi language Listing of common Indian grocery items in English translated to Marathi. Names of cereals, pulses, flours, vegetables, spices, dry fruits and meat in English and Marathi. We appreciate if you help us to add more groceries names to this list. Thank you! For listing of translations in different languages, both Indian and International, please click here to know more.
Cereals & Pulses
English English Transliteration Marathi Transliteration
Bengal Gram  Bengal GramChanna dhalचना दाल
Green Gram  Green GramMug ni dhalमग नी दाल
Red Gram  Red GramMasoor ni dhalमसूर नी दाल
Black Gram  Black GramUrad ni dhalउरद नी दाल
Poppy seeds  Poppy seedsKhus-Khusखसखस
Coriander seeds  Coriander seedsDhanaधन
Mustard seeds  Mustard seedsRaiराय
Cumin seeds  Cumin seedsJeeraजीरा
Urad dal  Urad dalUrada ki dalaउरद की दाल
Ground Nuts  Ground NutsJamina pagalaजमीन पागल
Turmeric  TurmericHaldeeहल्दी
Fenugreek Seeds  Fenugreek SeedsMethee beejमेथी के बीज
Sago  SagoSaaboodaanaसाबूदाना
Flattend Rice  Flattend Rice or Rice FlakesChaaval ke guchchheचावल के गुच्छे
Millet  MilletBaajaraबाजरा
Maize  MaizeMakkaमक्का
Salt  SaltNamakनमक
Kidney beans  Kidney beans Rajmaराजमा्
Pearl millet   Pearl millet Bajriबाजरी
Finger Millet  Finger Millet Nachni नचनी
Barley  BarleySatu सातू
English English Transliteration Marathi Transliteration
Gram Flour  Gram FlourChanna no lot चन्ना ना खूप
Wheat Flour  Wheat FlourGehum ka ataगेहूँ का आटा
Vegetables & Fruits
English English Transliteration Marathi Transliteration
Brinjal  BrinjalRingnaरिंगणा
Ridge Gourd  Ridge GourdRija laukiरिज लौकी
Snake Gourd  Snake Gourdchichindaचिचिण्डा
Capsicum  CapsicumMota marchaमोटा मिर्च
Cabbage  CabbageKobiकोबी
Cauliflower  CauliflowerPhul Kobiफूल कोबी
Carrot  CarrotGajarगाजर
Green Peas  Green PeasMattarमटर
Lemon  LemonNimbuनींबू
Onion  Onion Pyaajप्याज
Garlic  GarlicLahasunलहसुन
Potato  PotatoAalooआलू
Tomato  TomatoTamaatarटमाटर
Beans  BeansPhaliyaanफलियां
Cucumber  Cucumber Kheeraखीरा
Ladies Finger  Ladies Finger Bhindeeभिन्डी
Raddish  Raddish Muliमूली
Green Chilli  Green ChilliHaree mircaहरी मिर्च
Bitter Gourd  Bitter GourdKarelaकरेला
Ash Gourd  Ash GourdRakha laukiराख लौकी
Bottle Gourd  Bottle GourdLaukeeलौकी
Pumpkin  PumpkinKaddooकद्दू
Field Beans  Field BeansKsetra semaक्षेत्र सेमा)
Pineapple  PineappleAnannasअनानास
Pomegranate  PomegranateAnaarअनार
Banana  BananaKelaकेला
Banana-raw  Banana-rawKele kacceकेला कच्ची
Mango  MangoAamआम
Grapes  GrapesAngoorअंगूर
Jackfruit  JackfruitKatahalकटहल
Guava  GuavaAmarudअमरूद
Water Melon  Water MelonTarabujतरबूज
Musk Melon  Musk MelonKharaboojaखरबूजा
Apple  AppleSebसेब
Chickoo  Chickoo Cheekooचीकू
Custard apple  Custard appleShareephaशरीफा
Dates  Dates Khajoorखजूर
Fig  FigAnjirअंजीर
Orange  OrangeNarangeeनारंगी
Papaya  PapayaPapeetaपपीता
Black plum  Black plumJambul जॅम्बुल
Carambola  CarambolaKamarakh कमरक
Pear  PearNashpatiनाशपाती
Sweetlime  SweetlimeMosambiमोसंबे
Spices & Dry Fruits
English English Transliteration Marathi Transliteration
Aniseed  AniseedSaumphaसौंफ
Asafoetida  AsafoetidaHingaहींग
Bay Leaf  Bay LeafTej pattiतेज पत्ता
Black Pepper  Black PepperKali mircaकाली मिर्च
Cardamom  CardamomIlaayacheeइलायची
Cinnamon  CinnamonDaalacheeneeदालचीनी
Cloves  ClovesLaungaलौंग
Fennel  FennelSaumfaसौंफ
Ginger  GingerAdarakaअदरक
Red Chillies  Red ChilliesLaal mirchलाल मिर्च
Tamarind  TamarindImaliइमली
Cashewnuts  CashewnutsKajuकाजू
Raisins  RaisinsKisamisaकिशमिश
Dried fig  Dried figSukya anjira सुक्या अंजीर
Pistachio  PistachioPista पिस्ता
Apricot  ApricotJardaḷu जर्दाळू
Flaxseed  FlaxseedAlsi/Jawas आलसी / जवास
Sesame seeds  Sesame seedsTilतीळ
English English Transliteration Marathi Transliteration
Fenu greek leaves  Fenu greek leavesMethi ke patteमेंथी के पत्ते
Curry leaves  Curry leavesKari patteकरी पत्ते
Coriander leaves  Coriander leavesDhaniya patteधनिया पत्ते
Spinach  SpinachPalakaपालक
Mint leaves  Mint leavesPudeene kee pattiyaanपुदीने की पत्तियां
Amaranth leaves  Amaranth leaves Rajgiraराजगीरा
Meat and Sea Food
English English Transliteration Marathi Transliteration
Egg  EggAndaअंडा
Chicken  ChickenMurgeeमुर्गी
Mutton  MuttonBhede ka maansभेड़े का मांस
Fish  FishMachhaleeमछली
Prawn  PrawnJheengaझींगा
Pork  PorkSooar ka maans सूअर का मांस
Beef  BeefGomansa गोमांस
English English Transliteration Marathi Transliteration
Yogurt  YogurtDahiदही
Rice  Rice (Raw)Cavala (kacca)चावल (कच्चा)
Rice  Rice (Boiled)Cavala (ubala hua)चावल(उबला हुआ)
Semolina  SemolinaSojee(सूजी)
Vermicelli  VermicelliSeveeसेवई
Jaggery  Jaggery Gudगुड़
Honey  HoneySahadaशहद
Coconut  CoconutNeriyalaनारियल

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