Indian Grocery Translations - English to German

German language Listing of common Indian grocery items in English translated to German. Names of cereals, pulses, flours, vegetables, spices, dry fruits and meat in English and German. We appreciate if you help us to add more groceries names to this list. Thank you! For listing of translations in different languages, both Indian and International, please click here to know more.
Cereals & Pulses
English German Transliteration
Bengal Gram  Bengal GramBengal Gramm
Green Gram  Green GramGrun Gramm
Red Gram  Red GramRot Gramm
Black Gram  Black GramSchwarzes Gramm
Poppy seeds  Poppy seedsMohn
Coriander seeds  Coriander seedsKoriandersamen
Mustard seeds  Mustard seedsSenfkörner
Cumin seeds  Cumin seedsKreuzkümmel
Ground Nuts  Ground NutsGemahlene Nüsse
Turmeric  TurmericKurkuma
Fenugreek seeds  Fenugreek seedsBockshornkleesamen
Horse gram  Horse gramPferdebohne
Millet  MilletHirse
Maize  MaizeMais
Pearl Millet  Pearl MilletPerlhirse
Black Eyed Beans  Black Eyed BeansAugenbohnen
English German Transliteration
Gram Flour  Gram FlourGramm Mehl
Corn Flour  Corn FlourMaismehl
Wheat Flour  Wheat FlourWeizenmehl
Rice Flour  Rice FlourReismehl
Vegetables & Fruits
English German Transliteration
Brinjal  BrinjalAubergine
Ridge Guard  Ridge GuardRidge Kürbis
Snake Guard  Snake GuardSchlangenkürbis
Capsicum  CapsicumPeperoni
Cabbage  CabbageKohl
Cauliflower  CauliflowerBlumenkohl
Carrot  CarrotKarotte
Green Peas  Green PeasGrüne Erbsen
Lemon  OnionZwiebel
Garlic  GarlicKnoblauch
Potato  PotatoKartoffel
Tomato  TomatoTomate
Beans  BeansBohnen
Cucumber  CucumberGurke
Drum Stick  Drum StickSchlegel
Ladies Finger  Ladies FingerDame finger
Raddish  RaddishRettich
Green Chilli  Green ChilliGrune Chilischote
Bitter Gourd  Bitter Gourdbitterer Kürbis
Bottle Gourd  Bottle GourdFlaschenkürbis
Pumpkin  Pumpkin Kürbis
Pineapple  PineappleAnanas
Pomegranate  PomegranateGranatapfel
Banana  BananaBanane
Grapes  GrapesTrauben
Jackfruit  JackfruitJackfrucht
Guava  GuavaGuave
Water Melon  Water MelonWassermelone
Apple  AppleApfel
Custard apple  Custard appleRahmapfel
Dates  DatesTermine
Figs  FigsFeige
Goose Berry  Goose BerryStachelbeere
Beetroot  BeetrootRote Beete
Sweet potato  Sweet potatoSüßkartoffel
Cherries  CherriesKirschen
Black Current  Black CurrentSchwarze johannisbeere
Bread Fruit  Bread FruitBrotfrucht
Lychee  Lychee Litschibaum
Peach  PeachPfirsich
Raspberries  RaspberriesHimbeeren
Strawberry  StrawberryErdbeere
Spices & Dry Fruits
English German Transliteration
Aniseed  AniseedAnis
Bay Leaf  Bay LeafLorbeerblatt
Black Pepper  Black PepperSchwarzer Pfeffer
Cardamom  CardamomKardamom
Cinnamon  CinnamonZimt
Cloves  ClovesGewürznelken
Fennel  FennelFenchel
Ginger  GingerIngwer
Red Chillies  Red ChilliesRote Chilischoten
Tamarind  TamarindTamarinde
Turmeric powder  Turmeric powderKurkuma Pulver
Cashewnuts  CashewnutsCashewnüsse
Raisins  RaisinsRosinen
Apricot  ApricotAprikose
Dried Dates  Dried DatesGetrocknete Datteln
Dried Fig  Dried FigGetrocknete Feige
Pistachio  PistachioPistazie
Peanut  PeanutErdnuss
Flax seeds  Flax seedsLeinsamen
English German Transliteration
Fenu greek leaves  Fenu greek leavesBockshornklee Blatter
Curry leaves  Curry leavesCurryblätter
Coriander  CorianderKorianderblatter
Spinach  SpinachSpinat
Mint leaves  Mint leavesMinzblätter
Collard leaves  Collard leavesBlattkohl
Meat and Sea Food
English German Transliteration
Egg  EggEi
Chicken  ChickenHähnchen
Mutton  MuttonVande de mouton
Fish  FishFisch
Prawn  PrawnGarnele
Pork  PorkSchweinefleisch
Beef  BeefRindfleisch
English German Transliteration
Yogurt  YogurtJoghurt
Rice  Rice (Raw)Reis
Rice  Rice (Boiled)Gekochter Reis
Semolina  SemolinaGrieß
Vermicelli  VermicelliNudeln
Honey  HoneyHonig
Coconut  CoconutKokosnuss

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