Care travel insurance Care travel insurance reviews and customer experiences

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Care Travel Insurance

Travel insurance highlights

Sum Insured

USD 25,000 / 50,000 / 1 Lakh / 2.5 Lakhs / 5 Lakhs

Coverage period

180 days (can be extended for further)


1 day to 90 years

Care travel insurance reviews - FAQ's

Does Care travel health insurance cover outpatient medical expenses?

Yes Care overseas travel health insurance covers outpatient medical expenses, doctor fees, doctor prescribed medicines. The policy holder has to bear the expenses upfront and submit the required bills for reimbursement later.

Yes, after specified deductible, hospitalization medical expenses more than 24 hours is cashless while outpatient medical expenses are reimbursement basis.

No. Care travel insurance has to purchase before the travelers depart India.

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