
Popular Sikh Boy Baby Names starting with 'U'

We are happy to present our comprehensive list of Unique Sikh Boy Baby Names from Gurbani starting with letter U in a simple and easy to navigate format. The table below gives a list of popular Sikh boy names for letter U from Guru Granth Sahib ji along with its english meanings for your child. These traditional Sikh baby boy names starting with letter a are popular among NRIs living across the world.
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Modern Sikh Boy names with meanings - Alphabet 'U'

Uchitbir Brave and right
Uchitdeep Lamp of the right
Uchitjeet Victorious of the right
Uchitjot Light of the right
Uchitpal Protector of right
Uchitprem Love for the right
Uchpal Protector of elevation
Uchprem Love for elevation
Udai Rising to fame and honour
Udaijeet Rising victory
Udaijot The rising light
Uditmeet Risen friend
Udaiyan Rising
Uddam One who strives, makes effort,Diligence
Udaybir Rising brave
Udayvir Rising brave
Uditbir Shining brave
Ujaagar Famous
Ujjal Bright, clean, holy person
Ujjalbir Brave and bright
UjjaY Victorious
Ujjalroop A pure and beauteous person
Ujjwal Bright
Ullhass Happiness
Upavan Salvation
Updes One who preaches and counsels
Upinder Closeness to God
Upjeet Of exalted victory
Upkar Kindness, favour
Upkaar One who helps and serves others
Upkaram Of noble actions
Upkeerat Of exalted glory and praises
Upneet Brought in proximity
Upraj The noble king
Umber Sky
Ushmit Fire
Uttam High, exalted, excellent person,Best
Uttamjodh The exalted warrior
Uttamjot The exalted, divine light
Uttampreet Exalted love; love of the Divine
Uttamroop Of beauteous form
Uttamveer The exalted bravery and courage
Uttambir Bold Soldier
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