
Popular Sikh Boy Baby Names starting with 'S'

We are happy to present our comprehensive list of Unique Sikh Boy Baby Names from Gurbani starting with letter S in a simple and easy to navigate format. The table below gives a list of popular Sikh boy names for letter S from Guru Granth Sahib ji along with its english meanings for your child. These traditional Sikh baby boy names starting with letter a are popular among NRIs living across the world.
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Modern Sikh Boy names with meanings - Alphabet 'S'

Sabar Nectar, Distinguished
Sabhajit Honoured praised celebrated
Sabjeet The essence of Love, Favor, Fortune of Love of God
Sachdeep Light of truth
Sachdev Truly Godly person,Light of truth
Sachdhian Absorbed in the true One
Sachgian Having the true Knowledge
Sachkeerat Singing the praises of God
Sachleen The one absorbed in Truth, in God
Sachman True at heart
Sachpal One absorbed in truth
Sachpreet True love, the love of God
Sachsev True servant,The real Love, The Love of God
Sachsukh One who attains true peace
Sachtek Servant of truth
Sachveer Bravely upholding the Truth
Sadhu Saintly person
Sadka Practice
Sagalpreet Immortal life
Sajjan A dear friend, a righteous person
Sahib Master, Gentleman, Companion
Sahil Guide
Sajiv Lively, Alive
Sajjra Eternal Lord
Samarjit Victorious
Samindip Light of war
Sampuran The perfect one
Samrath Mighty and powerful
Samvir Samrat, king
Sandeep A Lighted lamp
Sangat Associating with holy congregation
Santa Exalted person
Santokh Contented, Peaceful,Patient,Serenity
Sanvir Strong,Brave
Sapahi Soldier
Sarabdeep The lamp that gives light to all
Sarabdev Omnipresent
Sarabjeet Winning all
Sarabjot All-prevading ,Powerful Light
Sarableen One who pervades in all
Sarabnam The always present name of God
Saranjeet Protected lamp
Saranjot Protection by Light
Sarjeet Successful
Sarminder God of war
Saroop Beauteous
Sartaj Crown of head, the Master, leader
Satbachan The one abiding by the Holy Word
Satbir The true warrior
Satinderpal protected by God of truth
Satjeevan The one living the truthful life
Satkeerat One who praises the true One
Satleen The one absorbed in Truth, in God
Satnam One accepting God's Being as true
Satpal The one who abides by the truth
Satparvan The one accepted by God
Satpreet The lover of the Truth
Satsukh The one in true Bliss
Satveer Bravely upholding the Truth
Satvinder God of truth
Seeta Peaceful, calm, contented
Seetaljit Peaceful victory
Seva Absorbed in service and simran
Shaan Famous, respected
Shabad Deep Lamp or light of the Holy Word
Shabadpreet The one who loves the Holy Word
Shahib Master
Shaman One with Good Wisdom
Shamsher Brave like a lion
Sharan Taking the shelter of the Guru
Sharanjeet One who attains the Guru's shelter
Sher Lion
Simar One who is absorbed in God
Simardeep Lamp of remembrance of God
Simarleen Absorbed in remembrance of God
Simran One who is absorbed in God
Simranpreet Lovingly remembering God
Sobha Glorious, virtuous
Sochai To achieve something by thinking
Sohan Handsome
Soor A Boy who is like the Sun
Sujan Wise, of exalted knowledge
Suraj Sun
Sukhbir Warrior of peace
Sukhbirpal Protector of warrior of peace
Sukhchain The one who is peaceful and calm
Sukhcharan Peace attained through Guru's Lotus Feet
Sukhdeep The lamp of peace and bliss
Sukhdev God of peace
Sukhinder God of happiness
Sukhit Complete happiness
Sukhjeet Remaining in peace
Sukhjeev A peaceful person
Sukhjodh Warrior of peace
Sukhjot Light of Peace
Sukhleen Absorbed in joy of God's love
Sukhmeet The peace giving friend
Sukhnam Bliss from Naam
Sukhpal Protector of happiness
Sukhpreet One who values inner peace and joy
Sukhraj King of Peace
Sukhram The one in whom peace pervades
Sukhroop Embodiment of peace
Sukhshant The one who is in bliss and peace
Sukhsharan Peace in taking shelter in Guru
Sukhveer He is a soldier of peace
Sukhwant Full of happiness
Sulakhan Virtuous, meritorious
Sultan King, monarch
Sumat One with wise intellect
Sundar Beauteous
Sundarjeet One who attains to beauteousness
Sundarveer Beauteous and Brave
Surat Of awakened consciousnes
Surinder The king of gods
Surinderjit One who is victorious over gods
Surjeet Victorious devotee
Surjit Immortal, Godly person
Swaraj Truth
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