List of Universities |
Academy of Art University | Arcadia University |
Arizona State University | Auburn University |
Auburn-Montgomery | Augusta State University |
Aurora University | Austin Peay State University |
Avila University | Babson College |
Ball State University | Barry University |
Baruch University | Bellevue University |
Belmont Abbey college | Berklee College of Music |
Bethany College | Binghamton University |
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania | Boise State University |
Boston College | Boston University |
Bowie State University | Bradley University |
Brandeis University | Brock University |
Brown University | Buffalo University (State University of New York) |
Cal State Fullerton | Calgary Univeristy of Canada |
California International University | California State University |
California State University - Northridge | California State University at Chico |
California State University at Sacramento | California State University, East Bay, Hayward |
California State University, San Bernardino | California State University,Los Angles |
California University of Davis | California University of Los Angeles |
California University of Pennsylvania | Carnegie Mellon University |
Case Western Reserve University | Centennial College, Canada |
Central Methodist University | Central Michigan University |
Chapman University | Charleston Southern University |
City College of New York | City College of San Francisco |
City University of New York | Claremont McKenna College |
Clarion University | Clark University |
Clarkson University | Clemson University |
Cleveland State University | Colgate University |
College of Architecture Illinois Institute of Technology | College of Staten Island |
Colorado State University | Colorado Technical University |
Columbia University, New York | Community College of Denver |
Concordia University, Quebec | Cornell University |
Creighton University | Culinary Institute of America |
Cuyahoga Community College | Dalhousie University |
Darthmouth University | DePaul University |
DeVry University | District of Columbia University |
Dominican University | Drew University |
Duke University | East Stroudsburg University |
East Tennessee | Eastern Michigan University |
Eastern Washington University | Edmonds Community College |
Elizabeth City State University | Embry Riddle Aeronautical University |
Emerson College - Yeshiva University | Emmanuel College |
Emory University | Eastern New Mexico University |
Fairfield University | Fairleigh Dickenson University |
Fashion Institute of Design- Student Medical Insurance | Fashion Institute of Technology - New York |
Fayetteville State University | Ferris State University |
Flagler College | Florida Institute of Technology |
Florida International | Florida State University |
Fordham University | Franklin & Marshall College |
Franklin Pierce College | Gannon University |
George Brown College | George Washington University |
Georgetown University | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Georgia Southern University | Georgia State University |
Georgian College | Gibbs College |
Gibbs College - Piscataway | Gnomon School of Visual Effects |
Governors State University | Grand Valley State University |
Guilford College | Harper College |
Harvard University | Harvey Mudd College |
Herguan University | Herzing College, Montreal |
Hiram College | Hofstra University |
Hult International Business School | Huston-Tillotson University |
Illinois Institute | Indiana University - Bloomington |
Indiana University, Indianapolis | Indiana University, Kokomo |
Indiana University, Northwest | Indiana University, Southbend |
Indiana University, Southeast | Indiana university of Pennsylvania |
International Technological University (ITU) | Iowa State University |
Ithaca University | Jackson State University |
Jacksonville State University | Jefferson Medical College |
John Casablancas Institute of Applied Arts | John Hopkins Bloomburg Institute of Public Health |
Johns Hopkins University | Johnson & Wales University |
Kansas State University of Manhatten | Kansas University Medical Center |
Kaplan University | Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Sciences |
Kent State University | Kettering University |
Kogod School of Business, Washington DC | Kutztown University of Pennsylvania |
Lamar University | Lawrence Technological Institute |
Lehigh University | Lincoln University |
Lindenwood University | Loma Linda University |
Lone Star College, CyFair | Louisiana State University |
Loyola University of Chicago | Luther College of Iowa, USA |
Maharishi University of Management | Manhatten University |
Marywood University, Pennsylvania | Massachsusetts Institute of Technology |
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences | Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School |
Massachusetts School of Law | Mazei Flying Service |
Miami University of Arts & Design | Miami University, Ohio |
Michigan State University | Michigan Technological University |
Middlebury University | Minnesota State University |
Mississippi Valley State University | Missouri Southern State University |
Missouri University of Science and Technology | Missouri Western State College |
Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology | Montana State University |
Monterey Institute of International Studies | Montessori Institute of Milwaukee |
Morehead State University | Morgan State University |
Mount Sinai School of Medicine | Murray State University |
Musicians Institute of Los Angeles | New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology |
New Mexico State University | New York Film Academy |
New York Institute of Technology | New York University |
Norfolk State University | North Carolina State University |
North Dakota State University | North Eastern Illinois University |
North Eastern University | North Harris Community College |
Northern Illinois University | Northwest Missouri State University |
Northwest Polytechnic University | Northwestern University |
Nova Southeastern University | Oakland University |
Odessa College | Ohio State University |
Ohio University | Oklahoma State University |
Oklahoma University | Old Dominion University |
Oregon State University | Oregon University |
Pace University | Palm Beach Community College |
Pennsylvania State University | Pepperdine University |
Philadelphia University | Pittsburg State University |
Polytechnic Institute of New York University | Portfolio Center, Atlanta |
Portland State University | Pratt Institute |
Princeton University | Purdue University |
Rice University | Rochestor Institute of Technology |
Rollins College | Roosevelt University |
Rose Hulman Institute of Technology | Rush University, Chicago |
Rutgers State University of New Jersey | Ryerson University |
SMU Cox School of Business | SUNY Brook |
Sacred Heart University | Salt Lake Community College |
Sam Houston State University | Samford University |
San Diego State University | San Francisco State University |
San Jose University | Santa Clara University |
Savannah School of Art & Design | Schiller International, US |
Scranton University | Shaw University |
Silicon Valley University | Simon Fraser University |
Southern Illinois University | Southern Methodist University |
St. John's University | St. Joseph's University - Philadelphia |
St. Louis University | St. Thomas University |
Stanford University | State University of New York at New Paltz |
Stephen Austin State University | Stevens Institute of Technology |
Stratford University | Strayer University |
Suffolk University | Sullivan University |
Syracuse University | Tarleton State University |
Temple University | Texas A & M - Commerce |
Texas A & M University | Texas A&M Kingsville |
Texas International, Laredo | Texas State University |
Texas Tech University | Texas Women's University |
Thayer School of Engineering | The Chicago School of Professional Psychology |
The New School for Design | Thomas Jefferson University of Philadelphia |
Thompson Rivers University | Thunderbird School of Management |
Toronto University | Tougaloo College |
Towson University | Troy University |
Tufts University | Tulane University |
University Of New Orleans | University at Buffalo, SUNY |
University of Akron | University of Alabama |
University of Alabama at Birmingham | University of Alberta |
University of Arizona | University of Arkansas |
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville | University of Bridgeport |
University of British Columbia | University of California - Irvine |
University of California - Santa Barbara | University of California Sandiego |
University of California Santa Cruz | University of California, Berkeley |
University of Central Missouri | University of Charleston |
University of Chicago Graduate School of Business | University of Cincinnati - Ohio |
University of Colorado - Colorado Spring | University of Colorado - Denver |
University of Colorado, Boulder | University of Connecticut |
University of Dallas | University of Dayton |
University of Delaware | University of Detroit, Mercy |
University of Findlay | University of Florida, Gainesville |
University of Georgia | University of Hartford |
University of Hawaii, Manoa | University of Houston |
University of Houston Clear Lake | University of Idaho, Moscow |
University of Illinois - Springfield | University of Illinois Chicago |
University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign | University of Kansas |
University of Kentucky | University of Louisville - Kentucky |
University of Maine | University of Maryland College Park |
University of Maryland Eastern Shore | University of Maryland, Baltimore |
University of Maryland, Baltimore County | University of Massachusetts |
University of Massachusetts - Amhrest | University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth |
University of Massachusetts, Lowell | University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey |
University of Michigan | University of Minnestota |
University of Missouri, Kansas City | University of Nebraska Medical Centre |
University of Nebraska, Omaha | University of New Brunswick |
University of New Haven | University of New Mexico |
University of North Alabama | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
University of North Carolina at Charlotte | University of North Texas |
University of Northern Colorado | University of Northern Iowa |
University of Northern Virginia | University of Notre Dame |
University of Pennsylvania | University of Pittsburgh |
University of Rhode Island | University of South Alabama |
University of South Carolina | University of South Dakota |
University of South Florida | University of Southern California |
University of Southern Mississippi | University of St. Scholastica |
University of Tampa | University of Texas - Arlington |
University of Texas - Austin | University of Texas - Brownsville |
University of Texas - HSC Houston | University of Texas - HSC San Antonio |
University of Texas - MD Anderson | University of Texas - Medical Branch, Galveston |
University of Texas - Pan American | University of Texas - Permian Basin |
University of Texas - San Antonio | University of Texas - Southwestern Medical School |
University of Texas - Tyler | University of Texas, Dallas |
University of Texas, El Paso | University of Toledo |
University of Tulsa | University of Utah |
University of Vermont | University of Virginia, Charlottesville |
University of Washington, Seattle | University of Wisconsin - Madison |
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee | University of the Pacific |
Utah State University | Utica College |
Valparaiso University | Vanderbilt University |
Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology | Villanova University |
Virginia Commonwealth University | Virginia International University |
Virginia Tech | Wake Forest University |
Washington State University | Wayne State University |
Wellesley College | West Chester University of Pennsylvania |
West Virginia University | Western Illinois University |
Western International University | Western Kentucky University |
Western Michigan University | Westfield State College |
Wheelock College | Wichita State University |
William Paterson University | William and Mary University |
Williamette University | Windsor University |
Winthrop University | Worcester State college |
Worcestor Polytechnic Institute | Wright State Institute |
Wyoming University | Xavier University of Louisiana |
Xavier University of Ohio | Yale University |
York University of Nebraska | York University of Pennsylvania |
York University, Canada | Youngstown State University |
List of Universities |
AIS St Helens | Aalborg University |
Aalto University School of Science and Technology | Aberdeen University of Scotland, UK |
Aberystwyth University | Anglia Ruskin University of Cambridge, UK |
Aston University of Birmingham | Aukland University of Technology |
Auston Institute of Management & Technology | Australian National University |
Bath University, UK | Bells College Essex, UK |
Birla Institute of Technology and Science | Birmingham City University |
Blekinge Institute of Technology | Bocconi University |
Botswana State University | Bournemouth University |
Box Hill Institute, Tafe | Brandenburg University of Technology |
Bristol University | Brunel University |
CITEC | Cardiff University, Wales |
Carrick University | Cass Business School |
Cavendish College | Cecous London College, UK |
Chalmers University of Technology | Charles University |
Cheju National University | China Europe International Business School |
China Medical University | Christian-Albrechts-University zu Kiel, Germany |
City University London | College of Veterinary Sciences, Hannover |
Copenhagen Business School | Coventry University |
Cranfield University, UK | Curtin University of Technology |
Czech Technical University | Dali University |
Danube University of Krems | De Montfort University of UK |
Deakin University | Domus Academy of Italy |
Dresden University of Technology | Dublin City University |
Durham University | EDHEC Business School |
EMLYON Business School | Ecole Centrale de Nantes |
Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne | Edinburgh University of Europe |
Eindhoven University of Technology | Erasmus University, Netherland |
Esade Business School | Esigelec University, France |
Essec Business School | Eurasia Institute, Berlin |
Euromed Marseille University | European Institute of Design(IED) |
Fortune School of Technology and Management | Francois Rabelais de tours |
Freiburg University | GISMA Business School, Germany |
Geneva School of Diplomacy | Glamorgan University of Wales, UK |
Glion Institute of Higher Studies, Switzerland | Goldsmiths University of London UK |
Griffith University | HEC, Paris |
HHL(Leipzig Graduate School of Management) | Heidelberg University |
Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh | Hochschule Darmstadt University |
Hochschule Offenburg University of Applied Sciences | Holborn College |
Holmes Institute | Holmesglen University of Tafe, Australia |
Hongkong University | Hubei University, China |
Hull University of UK | IESEG School of Management |
IMD Business School, Switzerland | INSEAD Boulevard de Constance |
Icon College of Techonology, UK | Imperial College |
Instituto de Empresa | International University of South Europe |
Istituto Marangoni | Italian Institute for Culinary Arts |
Jacobs University of Bremen | James Cook University |
Jiangsu University, China | Jiujiang University |
Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt | Johannes Gutenberg University |
KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Karlstad University, Sweden |
Keele University | Kent University of UK |
Kings College, London | Kings Langley School of Management |
Kingston University | Konstanz University |
LUISS University | Lancaster University |
Leiden University | Lille Catholic University |
Linkoping University | Liverpool John Moores University |
London College of Accountancy | London College of Excellence |
London Metropolitan University | London School of Business and Finance |
London School of Economics | London South Bank University |
Loughborough University | Lunds University, Sweden |
Maastricht University of Europe | Macquarie University |
Malardalen, Sweden | Malvern House College of London, UK |
Management Development Institute of Singapore | Manheim Business School |
Manipal Academy of Higher Education | Masaryk University |
Max Planck Institute of Developmental Biology | Melbourne Institute of Technology |
Meridian International School | Middlesex University, UK |
Millenium City Academy, UK | Moshe Dayan Center, Tel Aviv University |
Nantong School of Medicine, China | National Tsing Hua University |
National University of Ireland, Galway | Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University |
New Jersey Institute of Technology | New Zealand Management Academies |
Newcastle University | Northumbria University, UK |
Nottingham Trent University | Nyenrode Business University |
One-Tech | Orchard School of Arts and Commerce, Singapore |
Orebro University | Otto Beishem School of Management |
Oxford Brookes University | Oxford University |
Paris School of Management | Paul Cezanne University |
Polimoda Fashion School | Politechnico Di Milano University |
Poorvo Commercial College | Portfolio Center |
Portsmouth University | Postech University |
Queen Margaret University | Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane |
Regents College | Rheinisch-Westflische Technische Hochschule Aachen |
Robert Gordon University | Royal Holloway University of London |
Sacred Heart University, UK | School of Architecture London |
Sheffield Hallam, UK | Singapore Management University |
Singapore Polytechnic | Soochow University |
South Tyneside College | Southern Cross University |
St. Andrews University | Staffordshire University |
Stirling University of Scotland | Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences |
Swinburne University | Swiss Federal Institute of Technology |
Technical University of Hamburg | Technical University of Munich |
Technische Universitat Braunschweig | Teesside University of UK |
Telecom ParisTech | Tempere University of Technology |
The University of Sydney, New South Wales | Tilburg University |
Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Czech Republic | Trinity College Dublin |
Ulster University of UK | Umea University, Sweden |
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona | Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya |
Universitat Tubingen | Universitat de Barcelona |
Universiteit van Amsterdam | University College Cork |
University College Dublin | University College for Creative Arts |
University College of London | University of Adelaide |
University of Applied Arts, Vienna | University of Applied Sciences of Aachen, Germany |
University of Averio | University of Balllarat, Australia |
University of Bedfordshire | University of Bern |
University of Birmingham | University of Bonn |
University of Boras | University of Bordeaux |
University of Bradford | University of Bremen |
University of Brighton | University of Cambridge |
University of Cape Town | University of Catania |
University of Cologne | University of Duisburg |
University of Dundee | University of East Anglia |
University of East London | University of Essex |
University of Exeter | University of Glasgow, UK |
University of Greenwich | University of Grenoble, France |
University of Helsinki | University of Iceland |
University of Ioannina | University of Joensuu |
University of Jyvaskyla | University of Kingsland |
University of Kupio, Finland | University of Latrobe |
University of Leeds, UK | University of Leicester |
University of Liverpool | University of Manchester |
University of Melbourne | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) |
University of New South Wales | University of Northampton |
University of Nottingham | University of Oulu |
University of Plymouth, UK | University of Porto |
University of Reading | University of Rochester |
University of Rome, Tor Vergata, Italy | University of Salford |
University of Sheffield | University of Skovde |
University of Southampton | University of Strathclyde, Glasgow |
University of Stuttgart Germany | University of Sunderland, UK |
University of Surrey | University of The West of Scotland |
University of Versailles, France | University of Wales, Bangor |
University of Wales, Cardiff | University of Wales, Swansea |
University of Warwick, UK | University of Western Sydney |
University of Wolferhampton | University of Wollongong |
University of Wroclaw | University of York |
University of Zagreb Medical School | University of Zaragoza |
University of Technology, Sydney | University of the Arts, London |
University of the West of England | Universit catholique de Louvain |
Vienna University of Economics and Business | Vienna University of Technology |
Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School | Vrije University |
Western Institute of Technology-Melbourne | Westminster University of UK |
Wolfenbttel University of Applied Science | Wroclaw University of Technology |
Yerevan State University |
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