ICICI Lombard student medical Gold insurance

Buy ICICI Lombard student insurance

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Student Travel Insurance

ICICI student insurance - Special features

Offers coverage for 2 way Compassionate Visit, Bail Bond, Study Interruption, Sponsor Protection.
Pro-rata refund of premium in case of cancellation if the university rejects the policy.
Premium paid in Indian rupees, while coverage is in US Dollars. This is advantages if currency fluctuations make US dollar more expensive.
ICICI Lombard has partnered with leading US-based Health Care provider UnitedHealth Group, to provide better health care benefits and services to be availed when in the US and accepted by most of the foreign universities as a substitute for their compulsory insurance. Gold Plan available with second year extension option, thereby covering you for the entire period of study.

ICICI Student travel insurance benefits

  • ICICI Lombard Student medical insurance policy plan details

    Coverage Gold plan
    Medical Expenses (including medical evacuation) US $50,000 to US $500,000
    Dental Treatment US $250
    Repatriation of Remains Included under medical expenses Sum Insured
    Checked -in Baggage Loss US $1,000
    Personal Accident US $25,000
    Passport Loss US $200
    Personal Liability US $100,000
    Bail Bond US $5,000
    Study Interruption US $7,500
    Sponsor Protection US $10,000
    Compassionate Visit US $7,500
    *Deductible of USD 100 for medical expenses
    **Deductible of USD 50
  • ICICI Lombard Student medical insurance eligibility

    • Minimum age of insured persons is 16 years.
    • Maximum age of insured persons is 35 years.
    • Non-insurable persons: professional and semi-professional sportsmen.
    • The policy can be bought by students already studying abroad.
    • Plans available with second year extension option, thereby covering you for the entire period of study.
    • Extend your policy 3 months in advance - Now you do not have to wait till policy expiry to extend your Student Medical cover, extend your policy 3 months in advance.
    • Policy coverage for 2 years - Student Medical Insurance is now available with a continuous cover for 2 years. Now cover your entire period of study and rid yourself of policy extension hassles with a policy duration of 365+365 = 730 days.
    • Medical outpatient expenses covered.
    • No pre-medical check-up required.

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