
Niva Bupa Health insurance Niva Bupa Health GoActive Individual Insurance

Buy Niva Bupa Health insurance policy

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  OR age    years
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wc Gender
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bajaj-allianz health insurance

Key Features of Niva Bupa Health GoActive Individual Insurance

  • Hospitalisation Coverage - Coverage upto 25 Lacs.
  • OPD Coverage - Choose the health insurance that pays for Doctor Visits.
  • Daily Health Coaching - Meet your health goals and get upto 20% discount on renewal premium.
  • Diagnostic Tests - Avail Health Check-up/Diagnostic tests of your choice.
  • Avail I-Protect Option & Beat Medical Innflation - I-Protect increases sum insured by 10% on every renewal (no maximum limit).

Niva Bupa Health Insurance review

Sum insured

3 lac - 300 lacs options available

Tenure options

1 year options available

Claims incurred ratio *


Claims settlement ratio **


List of network hospitals

8,600+ hospitals

Number of Policies issued *


Number of lives covered *


Maximum family floater coverage

Self, Spouse + 4 dependent children

* As per IRDAI report   |   ** As per NL25 data published on the Insurance Company website.

Niva Bupa Niva Bupa Health GoActive Individual insurance plan details

Base Covers 4 lacs 5 lacs 7.5 lacs 10 lacs 15 lacs 25 lacs
In- patient Care Covered up to base sum insured
Room rent Up to 1% of Base sum insured No restriction (except suite or above room category) (Limit included in-Inpatient Care SI)
Pre-Hospitalisation Medical Expenses (90 days) Covered up to base sum insured
Post-Hospitalisation Medical Expenses (180 days) Covered up to base sum insured
Day Care Treatment Covered up to base sum insured
Living Organ Donor Transplant Covered up to base sum insured
Alternative Treatment Covered up to base sum insured
Emergency Ambulance Up to 3,000 per hospitalisation
Home Health Care Services and Domiciliary Hospitalisation Covered up to base sum insured
Re-fill Benefit Base sum insured
Pharmacy and Diagnostic Services Available through provider network
Health check-up Available
Diagnostic Tests (Limits mentioned are per adult member) (Diagnostic tests applicable in lieu of Health check-up through cashless and reimbursement facility) Not available 1,000 1,500 2,500
Behavioral Assistance Program 3 consultations per adult per policy year
Second medical opinion Covered, One opinion per Insured Person per Specified Illness / Planned Surgery / Surgical Procedure
AdvantAGE Enter at or before the age of 35 years (as on last birthday) and receive a 10% discount in the First Policy Year Base Premium and all subsequent Renewal Base Premium
Modern Treatments Covered up to Sum Insured with sub-limit of `1 Lac on few robotic surgeries
Optional Covers
Deductible 25,000 / 50,000 / 1 lac / 2 lacs / 3 lacs / 5 lacs / 10 lacs
I-Protect Additional 10% of Base Sum Insured every policy year at renewal for policy lifetime. This option can be opted only at inception. On renewal of the policy, this option can be opted out post which this option will not be available. In such case, the accumulated Increased Sum Insured under I-Protect shall: a. Not increase further and remain constant, if you pay the same additional percentage of premium as paid in the preceding Policy Year for this benefit; OR b. Be reduced to zero, if you do not pay any additional premium for this benefit.
Health Coach Personalised health coaching
Personal Accident cover
- Accident Death
- Accident Permanent Total Disability
- Accident Permanent Partial Disability
25 lacs 25 lacs / 50 lacs

Download Niva Bupa Health GoActive Individual insurance documents



Niva Bupa health insurance - Health GoActive Individual brochure to understand coverage details.

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Policy wordings

Niva Bupa Health GoActive Individual policy wordings which explains the terms and conditions.

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