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Meet Sanjeev Ginotra...

1. Why did you leave India?
In pursuit of a better career.

2. Do you plan to return to India to settle down?
Yes. I'd love to settle in Dehradoon. It is a beautiful place to live in and is away from riots and terrorism.

3. What do you like most about being abroad?
The smooth way in which the system works.

4. What do like least about being abroad?
Feel lonely.

5. Would you be concerned about raising your family outside India?
Yeah. I would like my children to grow up in india till the time they get to know the indian culture & traditions.

6. What are your thoughts about marrying outside your immediate community, someone who speaks a different language or practices a different religion?
Not a chance.

7. What would be the first thing you would do if you became the Prime Minister of India?
Automate the system to remove corruption & improve effeciency.

8. What do you think are India's greatest strengths?(max 3)
The people, the unity despite the diversity in culture and languages.

9. What do you think are the biggest problems facing India? (max 3)
Corruption. The system .... man if you have a case in the government or the judicial dept, I guess your 3rd generation would see the out come of the case.

10. Do you think that a presidential form of government would better serve the needs of India's democracy?
Yeah very much. I think that is the only way..

11. For whom do you have the highest regard amongst living Indians?
Not sure in this case 'cos every person in our history book has contributed his part in his own unique way. I personally like Chattrapati Shivaji from Maharashtra. His system can be taken as an example to set the presidential form of government in india, to move it from " A developing Country" to "A developed Country".

12. Do you think that the national obsession with Cricket has helped or has it hurt India as a sporting nation?
If you consider the love of sport then india can boast of a country with the largest fan following of a single sport in the world. But it effects business & the economy when there is a game going on.

13. What do you think are India's greatest achievements since Independence? (max 3)?
1. Maruti Udyog limited. It made the the middle class look visible.
2. Education & Development in the IT Sector has made the indian mind most sought after in the world.

14. What is your favourite pastime?
Adventure sports, movies, clubs.

15. What is your happiest memory?
The first time I went back to India .... when i got out of the flight and went to the terminal, I could smell the phynyle that they use to clean the floor. I told my self "Welcome to India Pushpesh" ..... I was so happy to be back home, the place where I belong, the place where people know me.

16. What's your most memorable journey?
The first time I came to the U.S. Quite a nervous and scary journey but I can never forget that feeling.

17. What is your ultimate food dish?
Murg-musallam, mutton roganjosh. All dishes of Paneer. Here in the US, I love any kind of dish with an Indian Tag on it.

18. What are your favourite movies? (max 3)
Jurassic park, Independence Day, fictional but they connect to the history or future of our planet some way or the other.
I also like thrillers .... & comedy.

19. What are your favourite books (please list authors as well)? (max 3)
Not much interested in books.

20. A message from you to other NRIs
Namaste & Ram Ram .......

Meet Pushpesh Thakur.He currently lives in the Philadelphia, United States and works in Information Technology.
Published - March 2001

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The views of this column are the author's own, and do not necessarily represent the views of NRI Online.

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