
TATA AIG Auto Secure Insurance

A vehicle, be it a car or a two wheeler has become a necessity in India today. A personal vehicle gives you freedom and exclusiveness to travel anywhere and at any time. This access to easy mobility can have a huge impact on ones livelihood as well as ones standard of living.
To use a vehicle in any public place, the provisions of Motor vehicle Act makes it mandatory to insure the vehicle against minimum third party liability. However the Third party insurance alone will not protect the owner from financial losses that may occur due to any accident, damage or theft of the vehicle. Given the cost of the vehicle, it makes a lot of sense to buy comprehensive Motor Insurance Policy to protect the owner from financial loss due to damage to the vehicle.
Tata AIG General Insurance Company understands the needs of vehicle owners and offers Motor Insurance policies that provides the required additional protection for the vehicle. The Motor Insurance Policies offered by Tata AIG General Insurance includes private car insurance, two wheeler insurance and commercial vehicle insurance. Some of the highlights of this additional insurance are:
  • Cashless direct settlement of claims at garages
  • Road Side Assistance coverage available for only Rs.116 for cars (exclusive of service tax)
  • Unique add on features to increase coverage protection
  • No deduction of salvage
  • No Claim Bonus is not impacted even after one claim paid for glass/fibre/plastic/rubber parts repair in vehicle

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Auto Secure Private Car Insurance


Auto Secure Two Wheeler Insurance


Auto Secure Commercial Vehicle Insurance